Be Weather-Wise
The next suggestion for getting the most from kites is to focus one's attention on an important subject - the weather. The close connection between kite flying and the weather is apparent to the most casual observer. There are days when conditions are ideal; there are days when they are fairly good; there are days when they are bad. And there are times when the weather varies from hour to hour.
A day which seems to be promising at the start does not keep its promise; and one which might not look too good at first turns out to be better than was expected. Because of this changeable weather it is really necessary to have some understanding first, of the kite itself - particularly of making adjustments in different flying conditions; and second, of the weather, which is the immediate subject.
And let it be said that to understand the weather does not imply that one must be an expert in meteorology. All that is contemplated is a working knowledge that will help the kite flyer to get the most from his hobby. The aim in this section is to point out some of the ways and means whereby this knowledge may be gained.
One way is to study the clouds.
CloudsThe reader may often have noticed their changing pattern as they move along. This panorama is one of the wonders of nature - a fascinating scene wherein every cloud is subject to change, and no two are identical, and some combine in form. Yet, although there is this state of flux, clouds are classified and names given to them. True, it is not always easy for the amateur to place them in the groups to which they belong. But in due course, by sustained observation, he may be able to do this. A guide in such study will be found in the list of the ten main types of cloud, printed bel
ow, as given in the International Cloud Atlas.
1. CIRRUS, 'detached clouds of delicate appearance, fibrous structure, without true shadows, usually white in colour'.
2.CIRRO-CUMULUS, 'small rounded masses or white flakes without shadows, arranged in groups or lines, or sometimes in the form of ripples such as those formed on the seashore'.
3.CIRRO-STRATUS, 'thin veil of whitish cloud, sometimes entirely diffuse and giving the sky a milky appearance, sometimes showing a fibrous structure'.
4.ALTO-CUMULUS, 'rounded masses or discs, more or less large, arranged in groups, in lines or in rows, following one or two directions and sometimes so crowded together that their edges are joined'.
5.ALTO-STRATUS, 'a veil of a colour more or less grey.
6.STRATO-CUMULUS, iarge, lumpy masses or rolls of dull, grey cloud frequently covering the whole sky and sometimes giving it an undulating appearance'.
7.STRATUS, *a uniform layer of cloud, like fog in appearance but not lying on the ground*.
8.NIMBO-STRATUS, 'a low layer of structureless and rainy-looking cloud, sombre grey in colour'.
9.CUMULUS, 'thick cloud whose summit is dome-shaped and exhibits protuberances, while the base is nearly horizontal'.
10. CUMULO-NIMBUS, 'great masses of cloud rising in the form of mountainous towers of which the upper parts, of fibrous texture, sometimes spread out in the form of an anvil.Clouds occur at different heights, and this fact is indicated by the use of the prefixes, cirro and alto. Cirro denotes those which are between 25,000 and 35,000 feet up; and alto those between 10,000 and 25,000 feet up. The lower layer occurs mainly between 500 and 7,000 feet up.
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